You are starting to get thirsty. Better start looking for something to drink.
You are getting VERY THIRSTY. If you don’t get something to drink SOON, you will probably regret it.
You are starting to get hungry. Better start looking for something to eat.
You are getting VERY HUNGRY. If you don’t get something to eat SOON, you will probably regret it.
You are starting to get sleepy. Better start looking for a place to lay out your sleeping bag.
You are getting VERY SLEEPY. If you don’t stop and get some sleep SOON, you will probably regret it.
You collapse from dehydration…
You collapse from hunger…
You fall asleep where you are.
Your canteen is empty.
Check your inventory, or take a look around. There may be something else you can eat.
You will need to drink something within the next couple of hours.
You will need to eat something within the next couple of hours.
You will need to sleep within the next couple of hours.
Your physical condition is excellent.
Your physical condition is very good.
Your physical condition is good.
Your physical condition is fair.
Your physical condition is bad.
Your physical condition is very bad.
You might like to save your game.
You duck into a corner to count your money.
You’ve spent all your money.
You have just one copper dirham left.
Luckily you’ve also got the silver dinars.
It’s too dark to go rummaging in your pack.
It won’t be that easy. Minor injuries can be ignored; major ones may have major consequences.
For more information, use the Stuff and Treasures menus.
and Jake is waiting for you.
but you haven’t seen Jake anywhere.
You dump the stale, lukewarm contents of your canteen on the ground.
You refill your canteen with fresh, clear water.
You wash the grease and dust from your arms and face. It’s no substitute for a cool shower, but at least you won’t be leaving sticky fingerprints everywhere you go.
There is no water here.
Your canteen is now empty.
Lying down on the job, you slacker? It’s nowhere near bedtime yet.
You lay out your sleeping bag in a shady corner. In the heat, you soon drop off to sleep.
You lay out your sleeping bag, lie down on top of it and cover the whole with the cloak of obscurity. Before long, you’re asleep.
Are you crazy? You’d probably wake up in the slave market.
When you awake, you are still pretty tired.
You awake feeling less tired.
You awake feeling fully rested.
You should wait until you’re hungry.
If you went to sleep now, you’d never wake up.
You force your eyes to stay open just a little longer, knowing that if you fell asleep here you’d probably never wake up again.